Discovered wind on the hill at Big Collin again - but gusty. Windspeed at the top was varying between 16 and 20mph with a gust or two to 26mph. Down at the lane 8 gusting 14mph at times. No point in getting my student out in that. I had a new Large Firebird Raven for one of my students so decided to take a look at it and maybe do a little ground handling.
Having walked up about 10yds from the car I laid the wing out, did a daily inspection, clipped in and did a reverse inflation. All looked good so dropped the wing again. Second go at reverse inflation had me becoming involuntarily airborne resulting in a short rollercoaster soaring flight and landing back beside the car. I reckon the wing is ok for many happy hours flying!! Dermot Lagan arrived but wisely decided not to fly.
Knowing that Dave Tweedie had gone to Shane's Hill and reported 8-10mph wind there earlier, I headed round to Shane's, arriving just as Dave was putting his gear into the car. He had been able to soar - just - but not getting any height. We noticed a lamb that appeared to be ill, lying by the gate so, when Dave left I drove up the back lane where Sandy Magee, the farmer, and his team were clipping sheep and told him about the lamb. He thanked me and said he would take a look.
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