Friday, June 03, 2016

Good day's training at Big Collin

Although the wind was light and variable from zero to 8mph we had a good day on the hill. John Kelly and Colin McQuaid were out for a taster day and Paul Cunningham was on his first EP training day. The light and variable wind - mostly on the hill or off a bit - still allowed lots of forward launch practice for all three.

When all three were well practiced and had a rest we started moving up the hill. By the end of the day Paul had flve flights from near the top of the hill with Colin and John flying from half way up. All three made good forward launches with good inflight control under radio guidance and good stand up landings at the bottom.

Martin Bates and Dermot Lagan also flew from the top a number of times. Tom Carson and Colin Dowey called by then went and got some airtime at Shane's Hill and Agnew's.

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