Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Minimal airtime - but at least got flying!

Joined Danny at Big Collin yesterday. Wind 8-9-10mph was off to the ESE. Danny did a couple of low beats and slope landed. I got five minutes working small thermals drifting up the hill, too small to get a decent turn in. Bottom landed near the cars.

We then went to Shane's Hill. More into wind but too light to soar. Trudged along to the south end of Agnew's Hill and hung around with Richard, Mervyn, Colin D, Walter and Geoff but wind didn't co-operate! I took off and flew back to Shane's where I top landed, packed up and walked back down to the car - as did most of the others apart from a couple who had enough height to fly back to the cars. 

I left and returned to Big Collin with a view to getting one of my nearby students out. Wind there was perfect for a student - steady 8-9mph bang on the ESE slope. Unable to contact student, so went home - turns out he had left his 'phone in the office!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Frustration again!

Went out Saturday with a student. Wind speed perfect; wind direction ok - but it rained!! Sunday too windy and gusty again, with a few light showers. We MUST get some good weather soon!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Windy again - aaargghhh!!

When are we going to get a day that doesn't have a strong gusty wind?

Just heard from an old flying buddy who has moved to Wales and is thinking of taking up the sport after an absence of over 10 years. Hope he has better luck with the weather!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Not again!!!

Here we go again - another windy and gusty day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better before the rain is due to arrive on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Airborne again!

Can't believe it - two days' paragliding on the trot! Friday at Dungiven was epic - vario off the scale at times in lovely smooth lift out almost to the town. Chickened out at 2070ft above takeoff as the cloud overhead was getting blacker by the second. Saturday gave us a magic cliff run to the Mussenden Temple at Castlerock on the north coast in a consistent 500ft above take off. Followed the site rule of 'phoning Air Traffic Control at Eglinton to advise of our activities. As usual they appreciated the call. Two days in a row! Happiness! Can tolerate the rain today.