Another day with little to offer by way of flying. At the top takeoff at Robin Young's the wind was on the hill but varying between 4 and 12mph. When it picked up a little I took off and turned to fly along the cliff. I didn't get enough initial lift and flew along the top of the front ridge. There was very little lift - barely maintaining and close to landing. when I flew off the end of the front ridge and back towards the cliff bowl I was still only maintaining height.
I then turned to fly along the front ridge lower down - 172ft below takeoff. Surprisingly I was able to maintain height and by staying in close managed to gain enough height to get back and turn into wind to land by the car park. I guess the glide at speed of the Skyman Heartbeat I was flying, saved the day.
The radio control model flyers were out but not enough wind for them by that stage. The wind later went north and got very gusty - measured 8 gusting 17mph at the lower takeoff. No more flying.
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