Sunday, February 18, 2018

Saturday 17 FEb 2018 - Good day at Dungiven

Some low cloud in the morning but I had a taster day planned for a newcomer. Then he called off so, despite the scudding clouds overhead I decided on a run out to Dungiven anyway. Of course getting there was not so simple since the Roads Service in their wisdom had closed the main road from Toome to the Castledawson roundabout. With all traffic now on the diversionary route progress was slow but steady. At the Castledawson roundabout I noticed a car behind me with a familiar-looking long package on the roof - it was Donal Hamilton with his hang glider.

Sniffing the wind at Dungiven west, which was gusting to 20mph+, Donal started to rig his hang glider. I took out my demo BGD Wasp M for an airing and was approached by a spectator who enquired if he could fly his drone to film some flying. We had a discussion about safety, flight paths etc and he returned to his pickup truck to prepare his drone. By the time I got ready, the wind would give us a lull to 15-16mph so, taking advantage of one of these I took off.

Well - I say I took off but in truth the paraglider took off, lifting me whilst I was still facing it in the reverse launch position. Don't panic; fly the glider; and a quick wiggle spun me round to face the right way as the wing hoisted me skywards. The drone pilot had put on his high visibility jacketLift was mostly smooth with the odd mild wobble here and there. After about 20mins boating around I began to lose feeling in my fingers, they were so cold even with a good pair of leather gloves. So I started a top landing approach, only to find lift all the way back to the top road leaving no option but to land well behind the top fence.

Arriving back at takeoff I met Davy Boyd who had arrived from Fermanagh. Davy's takeoff on his Firebird Raven was a copy of mine! The wind had dropped a bit and Davy gradually got lower until he disappeared towards the bottom landing area. See his starting point photo.
After a few minutes I hopped in the car and started to drive down to pick him up. Halfway down the road I discovered Davy still soaring a few feet above one of the lower slopes. I watched as he gradually gained height again and resumed his flight well above takeoff height. See He eventually landed on top.

By this time, Donal had taken off on his hang glider and was cruising somewhere over Benbradagh whilst Davy was exploring the ridge round to Boviel. One of Phil Barron's former students, Stevie, had turned up and watched for a while.

I took off for another flight . Lift was smooth all along and well out from the ridge. Donal had landed as the wind moderated a bit. Having packed up his hang glider he took out his new paraglider and started to prepare it for flight. It seemed to be taking such a long time with Davy looking as if he was helping now that he, too, had landed. In the meantime Stevie took off to join me on the ridge.

Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I came in to land beside them. Then the problem became clear - the lines on one side of Donal's paraglider had got themselves in the worst tangle I have seen in a long time. It took the three of us another good 20mins to get everything as it should be. By this time the wind had died off so Donal's paraglider flight consisted of an extended top to bottom flight with Davy doing retrieve. We packed up as darkness was falling and went home well pleased with a rare opportunity to go paragliding!

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