Arriving at Robin Young's around lunchtime I could see Ian Cross and Danny Young high above the ridge. Dermot Lagan was getting ready at the top takeoff. I had two students, Keith McGeown and Paul Cunningham to come out. After 20mins or so they had not arrived so I decided to head up the hill anyway after a chat with Loudon Blair and his buddy who had arrived with their radio control model gliders.
Just when I had laid out my wing on the top, my students arrived. Of course I had come up without bringing the radio gear so another trip to the car was called for. I then took off for a short soaring flight to assess conditions and found them to be mildly thermic. Coming in to top land I flew into sink - as did Danny who was approaching at the same time - and we both landed safely on the slope leading up to takeoff.
After my two students had done a prompted site assessment, Keith was the first to venture skywards. He had two excellent 10min soaring flights, ending with top landings in the intended area with some approach guidance by radio.
By then the wind had picked up and was gusting to 22mph. After hanging around for a good while there seemed to be no lowering of windspeed and there was a slow drift to the north. Young's is notorious for turbulence in a N wind so we called it a day after a half hour theory discussion whilst waiting in vain for the wind to drop.
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