Wednesday, May 24, 2017

BIg Collin and Dungiven West again.

Tues 23 May 2017

Forecast looked a bit uncertain. I went out to Big Collin and was soon joined by student Trevor Fisher. The wind was well round to the SW and becoming strong and gusty. That meant the only practical exercises to be done were PLF practice and reverse launch practice with the Firebird Trainer.

Given that the wind was strong and gusty 14-21mph Trevor manfully tackled the gusts with the Trainer and succeeded in taming the beast, keeping it relatively steady overhead for extended periods.

Wed 24 May 2017

Off to Dungiven W on the strength of a report from Colin Dowey who was with others at White Mountain and reported light WSW wind. ON arrival I found the wind 12-14mph straight on to the west face - perfect. I called my beginning CPN student Paul Cunningham to get out for some flying. When Paul arrived I got ready to go up for a flight to check out conditions. But as usual the wind then increased and became gusty - too strong and gusty for any flying. Time for some parawaiting.

We were joined by refugees from White Mountain - Danny Young, Colin Dowey, Colin Lown, Donal Hamilton and Dermot Lagan. After a while the wind died down to 12-14mph. Danny was the first to launch on his Skyman Heartbeat wing, immediately climbing and getting very high off Benbradagh headland.  I took a short flight on my Firebird Raven M, finding good lift with some very light thermals going through. Considering it suitable for Paul for his first soaring flights I top landed.

With Paul fitted with radio so that I could reassure or avise him if necessary he took off and followed the flight plan we had agreed, ending with his first (and excellent) standup slope landing. His second flight was again soaring but the slope landing was a bit untidy - he fell over. When the wind dropped he finished with a forward launch flight with soaring beats and standup landing near the windsock as planned.

The day was rounded off by Donal who legged it for a high speed virtually nil wind takeoff on his hang glider, demonstrating the superior glide that took him most of the way to Dungiven, then turning back to make a standup landing in a field he had selected earlier.

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