Monday, February 27, 2017

Back of Agnew's.

I met up with Steve Bullers who was on a paragliding taster day. The sun was shining; the wind was light and since one of the forecasts said the direction would be SSW we went to Big Collin. There was a light wind there but too far off to the west.

Agnew's West then seemed the obvious choice so that is where we went - and found a nice 8-12mph blowing straight up the hill. There had been a lot of rain as the ground underfoot was soaking and fairly slippery in places. Nevertheless we had a very successful day with Steve getting three low flights and two from near the top - all with good standup landings. As a result he wants to go on to do an EP course.

During the day I was approached by the local gamekeeper, Alex Rodgers. He told me that the Grouse Conservation area has been extended from  the existing area at Skerrywherry to encompass the back of Agnew's Hill and Shane's Hill up to the fence that runs along the top.

As a result he is asking us to stay clear of these areas from April through to the middle of June as this is the grouse nesting season and the birds should not be disturbed. He left me his mobile phone number for anyone proposing to fly there to ring him for advice around that period. I agreed to advise UHPC members.

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