Monday, October 24, 2016

Taster day

With an NE light wind forecast for the afternoon (it was calm in the morning) I met up with keen potential pilots Karina Golab and Wojciech Bak for a paragliding taster. Both are originally from Poland but have been living in Newry for a number of years where they run a business. We met up at Corr's Corner at lunchtime and from there headed to Skeagh. The wind on arrival was ENE and 14-16mph.

I was glad I had brought the Firebird Trainer wing as this allowed them to practice reverse launch on the lower slope near the gate without the risk of inadvertently becoming airborne. Gradually the wind eased to 5-10mph and we switched to forward launch which both found a bit easier.

I think we should have Karina out on the hill more often as she brought sandwiches, Coke and even  a box of chocolates that we shared!

With a bit of practice both Karina and Wojciech managed a number of low flights on Firebird F1rst wings with good takeoffs and landings and we called a halt when the wind dropped to less than 5mph and both were getting a bit tired.

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