Friday, April 22, 2016

Skeagh on Thursday

New EP student George joined me at lunchtime for a trip to Skeagh to start training. A few miles down the road I remembered that I had forgotten to put the large Firebird F1rst wing in the car! Doh! A quick nip back home to collect and we were on our way again. Arriving at Skeagh we found Dermot Lagan and Martin Bates had beaten us to it. They had hoped to fly Robin Young's Hill but the wind was too far off to the north.

Wind was gusting 12-16mph which was too strong for first day ground handling of a large wing. So the small Firebird Trainer was  pressed into service. After the usual initial overcontrol, George eventually mastered the beast in less than ideal conditions.


Meanwhile, Martin wrestled with the Niviuk Skin which, being single surface and so light, turned out to be a bit of a handful but eventually tamed. Dermot, whose ground handling is excellent, flew from the top when a lull in the gusts allowed for a neat takeoff.

We called it quits around 5pm as the wind showed no sign of easing and all that ground handling was tiring.

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