I have been neglecting this blog for a while - mainly because there has been little chance of any flying because of the weather and when it has been flyable I have been getting my students airborne. As a result, Maris Lambergs and Gennady Lubarsky have achieved EP and are on their way to CPN rating.
After hanging around for a couple of hours at Magilligan in calm to light and variable direction wind we were rewarded when the wind picked up NW and it became soarable. Maris got two excellent soaring flights with some CPN tasks accomplished and two excellent top landings - his first! What a happy chappie! Gennady and then Ian Ramsey were content to tame their respective wings by ground handling practice in the occasional gusty spells.
Having taken delivery of a new BGD Cure 2 demo wing a week before, at last I got a chance to take it out of the bag and fly it. Wind at Dungiven W was off a tad towards the SW as I laid out the glider back near the top landing area to check it and do some ground handling. The wind was 12-14mph and my first attempt at reverse inflation was unsuccessful as I did not make enough effort and did not get it beyond 45 degrees. The second attempt, I put a bit more effort into it and the wing rose overhead with only a small input on the brakes to stop a potential overshoot. I turned and as the wing felt so stable I took three or four running steps forward and took off, clearing the low dike. A small lull caused a momentary touchdown and a couple of steps later I was climbing away from the hill.

Feedback from the wing through the harness was immediately apparent and might take a wee bit of getting used to. Turning is easily done with weight shift alone. I pulled Big Ears at one stage and was surprised to find that they popped straight out on release, without needing any control input. Gaining height, I noticed Donal Hamilton on his Niviuk Artik 4, who had been soaring the headland to the south then disappeared, was soaring a bit to the south of Boviel. After gaining some more height in what was mostly very smooth wind I headed over with the intention of joining up with Donal. Arriving together at the headland I noticed that I was considerably higher than Donal. I turned and flew back to the takeoff area as I noticed the wind was picking up. My groundspeed on the way back was 56mph! Approaching top landing, conditions were getting a bit choppy and, not sure about my first landing on the Cure 2, and not wishing to get dragged into the fence if things went wrong, I opted to land behind the top fence.
The landing was completely uneventful - on tiptoe and hauling down the C risers instantly collapsed the wing. Donal, who was unaware that I was the Cure pilot, had also noticed the rising wind and opted to land beside me. Packing up the Cure 2 was a bit of a nightmare in the increasing blustery wind but eventually managed. Windspeed back at the car when we returned was 23mph!
Looking forward to the next flyable day!