Monday, December 12, 2016

Yes and No!

Monday 5 December 2016

 A good day at Big Collin for a change. Whilst waiting for my student Paul Cunningham to arrive I examined the 2001 Advance Epsilon 3 M and harness that Kirsty had donated to the UHPC. Although the wing is old it is in excellent condition as is the basic harness. I had a flight down  on it from about half way up the hill - easy inflation; smooth steady controls and easy landing. Seems perfectly airworthy to me and a rough porosity 'suck' test raised no concerns.

Paul arrived and completed eight flights, starting about the third of the way up the hill then last four flights from the top. Excellent reverse and forward takeoffs, in-flight control up to 180deg turns and standup landings - all practical tasks for EP completed. Jut the exam to do!

Monday 12 December 2016

I went out to Big Collin around lunchtime after a calm morning but with an ESE forecast. The wind on the hill was SSE and 14-15mph at takeoff. When standing there I noticed that cloudbase up ahead seemed to be lowering and soon it descended to hilltop level. After a quick word on the 'phone to Colin Dowey and my EP student Paul to tell them not to bother, I went for a walk over by the windfarm and by the time I got back to the car the cloudbase had lowered to the lane and the drizzle had arrived. Time to go home!

Sunday, December 04, 2016

No better today!

Wind on Big Collin takeoff was gusting 26-32mph and around 15-20mph at times in the bottom landing area. There was no point in bringing out my CP students who are at the soaring stage - far too strong for any paragliding.

Meanwhile Ken McConnell was out with two EP students, Stephen and Frank, who were manfully attempting ground handling but the gusts were proving a bit of a problem. I gave Ken my small Firebird Trainer wing which is more manageable for ground handling when it's windy and Stephen had a go, but eventually had to give up when the gusts became too great, even lifting Ken off his feet when he took a turn on it.

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Here we go again!

Calm this morning but light wind forecast. Went out to Big Collin only to arrive around the same time as the drizzle. After an hour drizzle-gazing I gave up!

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Another useless flying day.

Image result for advance epsilon 3

Calm and foggy morning. Things had cleared a bit by lunchtime but Phil Barron reported no wind at Dungiven although light westerly forecast.

I went out to Big Collin to take a look at the paraglider that Kirsty had donated to the UHPC. It is an Advance Epsilon 3 28 - weight range 90-107kgs all up. It was manufactured in 2001 but is in exceptionally good condition for its age. DHV 1-2 rated - see Photo shows a similar wing.

I only had time to lay the glider out and do a couple of inflations using the risers before a hurried repack as light drizzle arrived. Hope to get a closer look tomorrow or Saturday.