Yesterday (Sat) there was much dithering and to-ing and fro-ing of texts about the weather. I eventually drove out to Agnew's Hill in the late afternoon but stopping on the road, saw that the wind was more north-easterly. So - quick text to Colin D as arranged and off I headed to Robin Young's Hill. On the way I saw what I thought was Ian F's car diving off towards the roundabout at Larne. I stopped at the end of the road he had just entered, hoping that he would see my car in his mirror - but I guess he was concentrating on the approaching bend! Never mind - I'll ring him. But, being a good driver he does not answer his phone when driving nor, it appears, stop to find out who called him until he gets home.
Anyway, at Robin Young's the wind seemed fine so I climbed with my wing to the top takeoff (taking a belated return call from Ian on the way) and prepared to launch. The wind was very light and soaring seemed questionable. However, the arrival of Colin D and Dave T in the car park did the trick. The wind came up to around 10mph and I took off as they started to climb the hill. There was little lift until I got to the far end of the ridge in front of the cliffs and slowly worked my way up in the intermittent but smooth surges.
I was soon joined by Dave and Colin and then of course my 'phone started ringing in my pocket. After a few more beats I top landed and let Ian F know that it was soarable, having told Alastair that it was flyable.
Airborne again for more soaring. Alastair arrived and climbed the hill with his gear. I turned at the high takeoff for one more beat and saw Dave very low on the cliff at the far end. I flew over the front ridge just maintaining height and moved closer to the cliff to let Dave take advantage of any lift on the front ridge. When I turned to follow him back I saw that he was getting no lift. Neither was I - the lift had suddenly switched off and I was forced to try to soar the front of the front ridge. No height gain but able to maintain and convert speed to lift as I approached the lower takeoff so that I had height to turn and top land there. Dave didn't make it and bottom landed. Colin squeaked in to top land by the car park.
I went up to Alastair at the top takeoff. Flat calm by this time but he made an excellent nil-wind forward launch and flight to the bottom landing field. My warning to Ian F when I landed that he need not come out now was too late but he kindly retrieved Alastair from the bottom field.
Hoping for more soaring soon.